Monday, August 31, 2009


I took some cuttings of plants I wanted to take & put the polystyrene boxes out. The wallaby is checking them out & having the odd munch here & there.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Spot the kookaburra

The kookaburra is waiting to pounce in this early morning shot - I'm always amazed when they make a single swoop & dig something out from under the ground. How do they do that?

These pictures came in the opposite order to what I expected.

I have to find out how to publish reader's posts on my blog.

Amazing how kind people are. You have to look hard to find the kookaburra in this piccie.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Winter garden

Enjoy my winter veggie garden. I'm not really growing milk containers - They make great protection for baby plants till they find their feet. From left cauliflower, capsicum in milk container, self seeded tomatoes, staked with self seeded lettuce, silverbeet, blue kale, miniature capsicums another baby capsicum and baby artichoke.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Asparagus declares it is spring

This asparagus spear has snuck up on me - I've finally had it long enough that I can start to pick the asparagus and we've put the house on the market - I must have asparagused the whole of NSW. I'll need to pick this one today or it will turn into a fern. I can keep picking all the spears that emerge for a couple of months before I let any grow into ferns. Lady with an asparagus farm told me to cut new shoots under the ground. Now I've had this plant in for five years I can cut about as much as I want to.

So asparagus, silverbeet, broccoli, cauliflower, nasturtium, rocket and lettuce, capsicums and chillis, various herbs and a few varieties of lettuce.

Bon appetit

Monday, August 10, 2009

Baby Cauliflower

Minature cauliflower - guess it's time to pick it as the floweret is starting to open up. It's just so pretty - but soon it will be cream of cauliflower soup.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Garden by Gaia - weeding by me

One of the reasons I love my garden is that the whole structure has been designed by mother nature - my only role has been to remove the rubbish and plant some ground covers.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Home sweet home

Tell your friends - my home is waiting to be adopted by a loving family
Looking pretty good - hope someone falls in love with my place

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Family cleaning recipes

Start with a plastic spray bottle from the supermarket - fill with water and add one ingredient to each bottle :

Lavender oil; half teaspoonful - general cleaner - great for inside the car, inside cupboards
Clove oil; about ten drops - kills mould - inside wooden cupboards seem to like it too.
Tea-tree oil; about half teaspoonful - antifungal as well as antiseptic - spray round toilet - foot and wound spray
Vinegar; 2 tablespoonsful - great for glass -
I've been having fun with these recipes and just realized the plastic spray bottles were taking over my cupboards - they've been sneaking up on me one at a time.

Bicarb soda - buy it in bulk from the produce store or the health food store.
Cooking salt - coarser - antiseptic abrasive.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Long and winding road

I can't believe the way you feel a million miles from care walking up my driveway
And who knows what you will see - native ginger, cordylines. Got to start letting go - hope to find someone who will love this place.