Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Driveway to rainbow's end

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Family Recipe : Egg & Bacon Slice


Stale bread : enough to cover base of dish
Grated cheese 3/4 cup
Bacon Rashers about 3
Eggs 6 to 8
Milk about 3 cups
Mayonnaise 2 Tablespoons
Worcestershire Sauce 1 Teaspoon
Mustard 2 teaspoons dried
Mixed herbs to taste or whatever's fresh
Shallots to taste
Capsicum green Capsicum red half of each

Variations on a theme are endless with this dish if you have stale bread and chooks are laying. Use whatever is growing or substitute, fetta, spinach, siverbeet, mushrooms, grated zuccini.

I always feel so virtuous when I make this dish as it costs so little to make. It's better when left till next day so it's a great dish for making you feel organised.

Cook the bacon & drain it. Then layer all dry ingredients in casserole dish starting with bread obviously. Start wet ingredients wiith the mayo, mustard and worcestershire blend well and add eggs one at a time so you don't get any glumpy bits, then add milk and herbs and pour over the bread mixture. Cover, refrigerate overnight. Preheat moderate oven and bake uncovered for 50 minutes to one hour until it puffs up.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wet Chickens in Midwinter

Poor wet chooks. Winter solstice isn't supposed to be like this. But the chooks are shut in for this longest night.

Mud pies

Leeches 3 humans nil. Transplanted a wheelbarrow load of moses in the cradle but couldn't see any difference .Almost as bad as Microsoft upgrading me so I couldn't finish editing the blog . Cookies all gone = no Adsense.

Unwanted blog followers

Can't believe it - while I'm learning how to do this and merrily typing away some unpalatable person signs in to follow me, offering favours I had never imagined existed.

So now I have removed the followers gadget while I sort it out.
Plus Google says I am limited to 100 followere. Well that might sound inordinately ambitious from this viewpoint but I hate to think of all going through all this angst to be ultimately limited to 100 followers.

Back to Pip my blogging Guru you'll find him and his 1o gazillion followers at

Frustration 101 . Ooohhmmm

Starting again